Realm Makers 2017 Teaser!

20430114_10213831539808459_3499996036165530578_nAm home from my very first and very amazing #RealmMakers2017 writing conference! I got to know Ted Dekker and his wife personally through bringing my baby (We’re friends on Facebook now!) shared a moment over issue-driven fiction with Mary Weber and Jim Rubart, pitched “Heartsick” to two agents (with interest from Seymour Agency on my wip “The End of the Dream,” and met and got to know wonderful people as well as sat in marketing tracks and fought in a NERF war! Have SO MUCH to share with you about the weekend! Thinking of sending out a personal email about the experience – and will start an email list, so stay tuned! 🙂

Here is my author Facebook page where there will be pictures!  😀